This past Spring, I had the great experience of being in a creativity class with a group of insanely creative people. Just interactive with creative folks is in itself inspiring. Being in beautiful Andalucia at the same time wasn't bad either. The two experiences gave me a few ideas about inspiring and stimulating greater creativity in my life.
1. Spend more time in nature. Strolling through a beautiful countryside or city park while visiting Spain reminded me of how much the colors, the smells and even subtle changes of the air all influence my creative spirit. There are plenty of places closer to home where I can spend some time outdoors. It just took a transatlantic flight to bring that point home to me.
2. Walk. Lately I have fallen out of the habit of long walks. Such times of introspection and walking meditation help me recharge, allow time to examine all the angles of some issue or idea and are good for mind, body and spirit. I'm getting back to doing that and combining it with item 1, and from a practical perspective, with exercising my active dogs!
3. Find a focal point every day. Instead of letting the day get away from me, mired in routine, I resolve to find some point of focus each day. I'll look at things differently. I'll look at different things. Maybe I'll even look different. While waiting for admission to the show at the Royal Equestrian School in Jerez, crowds of visitors were watching riders warming up horses in an outdoor ring. I saw one guy that had his back to the great horses and riding being demonstrated as he took closeup photos of some flowers beside the warm up ring. My wife thought that was very funny. I thought it was interesting that he alone was following his own course rather than being part of the crowd watching what was behind his back. I want to be more like that guy.
What can you do that is simple, achievable and realistic on a daily basis to stimulate your own creativity?
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